Monday, May 18, 2009

The Diary Of Anne Frank


1)The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery.which rules would be hardest for you to follow?why?

I would say that the hardest rule of all that would he hard for me to follow is to stay still for a very long time i do not have the mind and patience to stay still that long doing nothing.

2)In scene 1,what objectives does Mr.Frank find in the secret rooms.

He finds a a small white glove and a diary given to him by Miep.

2.b)These objects are connected with the rest of the story because on how he finds the white glove (probably Anne's) and the giving of the Diary he leads us into the story line.

3)What special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families?

To them the celebration holds a great meaningful powerful event because at last they can join together to celebrate something that brings them peace and unity it it something that gives them the will and spirit to survive and keep fighting.

b.)I guess you can say that it shows that in spite of how people are towards her she still thinks of them and cares.

c.)They act with enthusiasm because they hope it can show more unity between them.

4)With a partner discuss Mr.Franks statement "There are no locks that anyone can put on your mind"How does Anne prove that this is true.

She proves that this is true because she speaks what she thinks what she believes is the right thing to do or say.

5)The historical cause is that te Germans want to be the only race with superiority over any other race among themselves.So they want to make sure that each Race among them that is not the same as them or equal is killed off.

b)Well it makes them scared for their lives because they know what will happen if they are found.

In scene 2 ,Anne and peter discuss the stars of David on their clothes.

a.what effects do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to to have on the Jews?

They want the Jews probably to know that they are property of the Germans.

b.)Well for on you know that they wanted to be one solo race and they would kill all who opposed them in any way.

7)Complete an organizer like the one shown with examples of dialogue that achieve each purpose.

Mr.kraler and Mr.Frank talking about the final person moving in which is showing that there relationship between each other is good because Mr.Frank accepts him in.Gives advancement to the plot by showing that now they have a new person coming in.It shows that thers going to be conflict between the current residents.

8)It reveals that some of them are very selfish and don't take kindly to others even if they don't know them.


1)What do you like most about Anne Frank?How would you like having her as a friend?

I think i would like her as a friend because she seems like a very cool and fun kid to hang with.

2)What disturbing news does Mr.Kraler Bring on New Years Day?He tells them that one of his employees may know that they are hiding here and has asked for a increased money on his salary or pay day money.

b)The hint that it gives is that you know something bad will happen to them in the end.

3)The time span of act 2 is already going on for 1 year and a half now.

b)The characters have changed from the end of act 1 in a very cold way from being hopeful yet afraidtheyhave gone to being depressed and just wanting this to end already.

c)I know Anne has changed because you cant tell from her actions and how she acts towards the people living with her especially with Peter.

4)She 'wants to believe that for i can tell that deeply she knows the world is a cold place and full of torment and hatred but she tries hard to believe in the goodness of people and she wishes that this ;War could end.

b)He probably means that 'puts me to shame' because from what he has experienced and seen he believes in his heart that people are cruel and tyrants.

5)Cause:Hes Hungry and doesn't wish to starve himself.
Effect:He awakens the others an they catch him stealing food.

b)Cause:Was because of the Mr.Van Dann stealing food for himself when he should be worrying more about his son peter eating.

Effect:She changes her mind because she hears that the war will soon be over because the U.s ships have landed nearby.

6)Well for one she might think that shell lose Peters love to Anne and since the mother cares deeply for Peter she doesn't want to lose him to some girl that isn't worth it in her eyes.

7)Cause:7 People living together closely.
Effect:Each day and passing week and month becomes harder for them because the more they spend close to each other they become more aggravated and do not like certain things about each other.

8) [ character ] [ Action ] [ Motivation ]

Miep: Brings Flowers and food to the To bring them food and
Attic room. something from outside to
make them feel better.

Mr.Van Daan: Stole Food from Food storage He was very Hungry and
Cabinet. Starving.

Peter Van Daan: Goes to his fathers aid to defend He sees that Mrs.Frank is
Him from whats happening. going beserk in her rage.

9)Well maybe since the 'informer' knew that hiding a jew would meandeath he didnt want to be interrogated and he would spill the fact that he knew were jews are hiding so in order not to die he told the police well thats what i think i dont know about you guys.
Believe what you want to believe but be careful is key.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1)Einsatzgruppen were known as mobile killing squads or rather a group of Hitlers Soldiers and armed police men killed any Jew or race that was enemy to the Germans.

2)Several camps were designed only specificaly for women such as RavensBruck and Auschwitz Birkenau.

3)I know theyre were concentration camps extermination camps and Rescue camps.

4)Two people both polish but the girl was jewish polish fell in love in Auschwitz camp they espcaped together yet were caught by border control and sentenced to die by hanging them both Edek was the man he went first then the girl Mala who went last and before they could hang her she cut her wrist in defiance to not giving up i guess.

5)Genocide means crimes commited to exstinguish any other race besides your own.

6)Nazis experimented with poison gas for huge muders in 1939.

7)They also has Gas vans that carried and transported large amounts of certain dealy gases.

8)Between 1933 and 1945 had over 20,000 camps.

9)Germany annexed Austria in March 1938.

10)They had exterminstion camps in poland becuase theyre were more Jewish groups there.

11)young jewish kids were most likey to survive longer becuase they could be forced to do more labor then older jews like adults and elders.

12)Prisoners were forced to climb 186 steps known as the Steps of death of the wiener Graben with large blocks of granite on their backs often the blocks would fall crushing the others following.

13)Many would be forced to jump off cetain cliffs if they were the ones btted on and they lost this was known as the the parachute jump.

14)Many women were faced to deal with sexual relations to get food or basic comforts.

15)Jewishand roma women were used to conduct experiments on.

16)Women were the ones who placed more resistance to harsh treatsments and escaping then men.

17)Many ssmen killed children that were marked unwanted or dangerous to them in some way.

18)Germans and Hitlers men killed over 1.5 million children.

19)Jewish children died from starvation and exposure to different weathers and since they had little or no clothing they became more vulnerable.

20)Euthansia program was the first mass murder program.

21)German authorities incarcerated kids in concentraton camps and extermination.

22)Displaced personcamps is where children would go when they could not find famly or relatives.

23)Germans often attempted to hide their muder by demolishing the camps.

24)Auschwitz was the largest exterminantion camp.

25)They also killed homosexuals becuase they didnt like the behavioral ways.

26)They found many mens suits and womens clothing.

27)they found over 14,000 pounds of human hair.

28)British forces also served in liberating the camps.

29)Disease was also the main cause of death or else not by the hands of the germans.

30)Many camps had to be bruned to prevent diseases and epidemics from spreading.

31)Many liberators found many unburied corpses.

32)Many germans stuffed so many peopleingas chambers and krematouriums that they threw canisters and cans of gas to dothe job more quickly.

33)The united states allowd more then 400,000 displaced persons to come to america.

34)Some were shot inthe back of the head against something knownas the black wall.

35)Blue and gray psrahter thenstars onthier shirts meant theywere polish.

36) Stars were marked for Jewish prisoners.

37)Liberated jews and polishthatwere inu.s camps were known as POWS.

38)Many came out from german camps few ever survived.

39)Becuase of the hrash conditions and bad habits inwhich theylived manyjews died.

40)Adolf Hitler thought that there should only be one superior race.

41)many jews wanted to go to palastine illegally.

42)Zyklon b gas was the commonlyused gas product for the germans.

43)Mayjews were doing forced laborand other things theydid not want to do in camps some were tricked that they were going totake a shower when they would betaking a shower in death.

43)therewere 3 different types of gas canisters.

44)Resistance and resuce was more commonin the remaing yea of the war from both british and american.

45)Some established relationships in campseither to give comfort or protection.

46)There were sometimes groups of womenthatmade plans to escape.

47)Typhus was a known disease to be very disease killed Anne Frank.

48)Jews became friends with unknown people.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel And Gretel

As a Father me Hearing My Wife saying, even planning the way to rid ourselves of our children was by the least revering i had thought that us men were suppose to be the strong ones the ones who could care less about something yet when i was listening to what she planned to do i was in a state of paranoia.A mother planning to leave her own children alone by them selves in the woods was repulsive mothers are caring,kind,and take good care of there young ones and always love them no matter the cause or what happens.when i lied there in my bed next to her i thought what she speaks is true i can not provide enough for the four of us and i certainly cannot deal to myself the thought of not being able to feed my kids.Much i thought about this and after 5 long painful hours thinking about the outcomes of this ideas i fell asleep it wasn't long when i awoke for it seemed that i had only just fell asleep i saw that my wife wasn't beside me she mustve woken the kids i got dressed and headed out the front door i sat their waiting on the steps for them to come outside they did but i saw in my children's eyes that they were unhappy some how in someway i felt as if they knew what was happening but were to afraid to say anything about it.We set off towards the Forest me thinking to myself whether or not if they could find there way back or not maybe they would and i would be happy again.when we left them there next to the campfire we went into the forest but went around a bend a cut off going around and exiting the forest it was about 7 when we made it back to our house and i saw no remorse no weeping coming from my wife i was astonished i had thought that maybe she was terribly miserable about what she had done..but she wasn't.In the morning when i had gotten up i tended to my usual daily routine and expecting for the day to end in silence when i had come home not long afterwards was there a knock on the Door maybe it was an Official knowing that we had done the day before i looked peeped through it was my children i was happy again even though my wife was muchly grieved and mad that they had come back she scolded them telling them why had they slept so long in the forest and that we had thought they were not coming back.I slept more easily that night but it soon needed again my wife woke me up to tell me how to get rid of the children she said no we must take them deeper deeper then they had ever gone before in their lives.we did and left them there again 3 days passed still no sign of them coming back.when the end of the week had come there was another knock at the door an it was them my children they had come back and not only by themselves but with much much Money and other expensive jewels i was so happy that day not only did my children return but they came back with hope for our family ot live a good healthy happy life.

Monday, May 4, 2009


To Him Who Waits:This story To me was very impulsing it is very interesting to me in such a way i found it invigorating to keep reading more in the beginning yes it may seem boring.When in fact it is actually quiet good i liked this story in particular because it has a twist at the middle to the ending because it seems from the title of the story that by waiting the man will eventually get what he wants but when in fact the thing that he wants go away and he had a Chance to regain his lost "heirloom" but can no longer now because his friend has taken it away.

The Head Hunter:this story to me has a meaning and made me react to it with awe because what to me at the end what it is trying to say is true and holds meaning to what people expect to have at times when they cant have and when actually the best thing they can have is the lesser one.

The Caballeros Way:This story i liked to a certain extent because it wasn't at all boring and held something of interest that wont put people to sleep my guess is that if you would read it you would like it pretty good read i liked it at one points in the story it did amaze me and had me reacting like "what??" but still it is a very good read and ma hold something of meaning to you!! :)

Friday, May 1, 2009


There was a Tiger named Timothy.Not many knew him not many cared he was not the most popular among the beasts for he was only known to be a stalker for prey.At one point in time he was ill and had sent the message throughout the wild that he was dying.Many felt overwhelmed with joy other felt bad for he not only killed animals for food but also Enemies.So he asked as his last dying wish that if all could please give him the gift to have known that they cared for him by going to his in a nearby cave so many went to go See that beast and assure him that they cared.However when it came to be the last final animal to enter the den it did not dare to go.So the tiger coming out seeming more better then he was before said why don't you come to reassure a friend dear old Baboon the Baboon said i have seen many go in NONE come out so when they all decide to come from this feast i will go in...

Even the most cunning of plans can be recognized!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcasts Of Poker Place.

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts deaths who/what would you blame and why?
Uncle Billy
Citizens of poker flat
Bad luck

I Strongly think that if it werent for Billy they wouldve been alive and in Sandy Bar by the next day that they had awoken i think that with the supplies and provisions that they were carrying they wouldve made it ti Sandy bar return tom simsons mules and horse and be on there way becuase they made it half way to their destination in a day they woulve mostly likely made it to Sandy Bar the next if Billy hadnt taken their means of transportation then i thin they wouldve had good fortune in Sandy Bar but like always there always has to be a Bad part and that part was Billy i guess they shouve been more careful who they trusted but if Billy woulve ben a man and tried to help them then they wouldve been safe!!! :D

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

The Story of an Hour:OK so to break it down for you in SIMPLER ways this short passage relates to how freedom comes in many forms or ways yet they may not always come to you in the way you want it to.The story is based on i my own belief that to bear something heavy on yourself such as love may bring either happiness or hatred towards your or the life your living.As you see in this story that Mrs.Mallard is happy with the fact that she is living with a jerk at times she loves him and others she doesn't however most of the time she doesn't whether or not she knew this before marrying him is not of my concern but what it simply is that sometimes people must really live their lives before they settle down makes everything more joyful.

The Blind Man:Well this story has more to deal with the fact that many of us don't take the time to help out the less fortunate that we as human beings just like them do not take the mind nor time to find some way to help out the frail or the needy.You see older or younger alike you can have disabilities that affect the way you live life the way you handle things.People who are blind,cant walk,cant thin straight,or either don't know how to control themselves need our help we can WE have the power to do something.....yet we don't?Why is my question take as to me i before in the past cared less about others but coming to older age realize that i share this world with many other people that can use may help.Kate here uses disability and how we with more stuff (us being poor and others being homeless etc poor. we don't care as Long as they don't interfere we simply ignore them.As she well described that in this story The Blind Man she shows us how we react to helping those who need it she shows that we ignore and forget that they need help and how at times those who need it cant help themselves not even to the extent that even of the simplest things can they accomplish.

Desiree's Baby:Racism is still happening in our world today and yet not so long ago this author Kate Chopin described and explained not in wording but in stories such as this one that when we are unsure of someone and we do not know where they come from we may think there part of a place where they not.It happens yes even today we think that ooh look at him hes that certain color and ton of his skin he Mexican so is she and him to...!So when you look at it there not we may look the same to some people but we come from different places like who you thought to be Mexican could have been Puerto Rican or Cuban or Spanish or Ecuadorian you see when you think and you see you ll know the difference.Desirees baby for example Armand the Father noticed that his kid was becoming of the color of slavery Black and could not accept it so him not knowing where Desiree was from cast the blame on her when in fact it was the opposite him such a grand man of wealth and power actually wore invisible chains to slavery in which he thought he was superior to when he was indeed not.Although Racism can be more of a violent culture nowadays in earlier times there was no race if colored that is what you were you belonged to one category all together no Difference between the different races.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr.Heideggers Experiment

As i Had watched the behavior of my dear friends and how they reacted to them being young...
I thought about how if i would have the clear mind to try the water this...this Elixir would it bring me great wisdom and knowledge that i had before would it grant me the righteous act of performing my standards well or would it simply make me repeat the same foul mistakes i had done before.These questioned haunted me as i sat there in disbelief on how my friends had exalted there acts by doing simply the opposite of what i had told them to do Considering the fact that I was indeed the one that had introduced this Elixir to them i am responsible for the mess it had brought forth.Take it as example or as it be all were doing the same mistakes and proble,s they had before arguing over some wretch of a woman,the same man who was a corrupted politician,everyone of them acting as they did before none had taken precaution to what was happening to them none thought of themselves as the same way they were before...For me this water that i had was curse a predicament that would only upbring problems and harrasment towards me to distribute it to all who wanted it for i knew that once taken in you or anyone else could not stop to drink it..I i did not want to take any part in the water none at all i was very pleased somewhat that i had seen the water spill for if it was gone i was saved tempting it was to drink it to fell young again but it would come with price a price that i knew would bring e nothing but despair for what i have done....In my final theories and conclusive thoughts to this matter i will not take it i will not drink it if my dear old friends decided to burden themselves with this insane matter it would be there choice to live with but i as a human being and a Doctor could not and wil not bear my self with it and that is my final word......

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desires Baby,The Sequel

As Armand stood there full of anger and despair he could not grasp the fact that he himself was the one cursed with the bondage of slavery he himself who was the indeed the Colored one the one who's baby turned to be Black.He waverd and fell forcefully to his chair he thought to himself how could i.... how could i have done i am the fault of my own actions me?Armand never would of thought never had the mind to consider that maybe he was black and not the woman he loved.How would this fall to me...people knowing that i am evil for that of what i have done how will i be looked upon by Desiree she so violently thought that she was the one who brought grief and Torment to her Husband and those around her she was so agonized by the mere fact that by her being of the opposed color would bring the very downfall of her life.Armand thought over of what had happened for he didn't want this to be happening..Him acting as he did being a jerk towards those around him of those of the opposite realized that he was no better then his slaves working for him now he thought to himself what will i do i practically banished my own wife from my house hold i have no idea where she might be my heart no burns with rage and sadness rage for me being so null so stupid to cast out my love and sadness for the fact that i would most likely never be with her again how could i how would she accept me back in to her arms when she would know the truth of me that i am the one cursed with being black.However what if she didn't know what if i could simply apologize to her talk to her and have her back she wouldn't have to know that i am black yes yes that's it that is precisely what i will do......

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers For Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter would you do it especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary?why or why not? use examples from the book.

No i wouldn't want to have a surgery to make me smarter it would be a waste of time to do an operation that would eventually wear off of me being smart.I wouldn't want to become something i wasn't already born to be i really think i would like being the way i am as long as i had a simple understanding of life why would i need more knowledge?If i could understand to read,write,and speak then i believe i would do fine in life i would have a job maybe good pay and if needed a family.I believe that trying to get something like an operation to get smarter would be a nifty gift but i still wouldn't like the fact that i would only be a smart for awhile not until i die.I see it as when you buy a new pair of shoes yeah there all cool and nice makes you run more faster and steadier but eventually it will wear and tear then what will happen you ll buy a new pair.....same with operation if i wanted to be smart throughout my life i would have to do constant operations to keep it that way.Imagine to be under surgery constant times to get smart doesn't sound great to me but that's me others might think that its crazy not to get an operation to make you smarter i say if god wanted me to be smart then he would have done that a long time ago.For me i would just rather be simple not uniquely intelligent in any way from what i have seen id prefer to be me stay the same was i have always been in life because some or most people don't really like people with sophisticated lives and brain they poke their fun and try to make it seem as if their not really smart when they are

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button Chapters 8-The End.

Explain what this story says about each of these issues use examples from the story support your explanation.

Family:In the story the way family is expressed is defined solely by the unity of one another.The very theme of the story makes it seem as if the button family is indeed a major family in society yet with the birth of Benjamin the way the Buttons use to be is not the same at
all.Family for better or for worse they have to be there for each other help one another accept them for who they are yet try to help them if they do not follow the righteous path .In the story to me the Buttons are in a way separated by the birth of Benjamin Rogers father does not approve of this and absolutely in no way does Roger feel any affection for Benjamin when he is old yet when he becomes more younger and understood he is actually accepted by those around him.

Age:In the story age is a tremendous ideal concept in the place in which where the buttons reside Roger is firmly concerned with the fact that if Benjamin was to be Shown to the people in which know the Benjamin's he would be made a mockery of a fool and his business and everything else that is important to Roger will fall.Now some think age does not matter but for him it did to be seen with a man of his age of his stature it would be unexplainable to people they wouldn't see Benjamin as a gift to them but a curse a becoming of something that isn't right Age here in the story is important almost as if it showed whether or not you were an ideal person in.the place in where you lived in or not.

Beauty:Beauty is described in this passage that certain things take its affects on you and it makes you more weary and fragile the very thought of looking at someone who has become so hideous and terribly marked as a dread to you in life is hurtful.Yes age and beauty are somewhat related in the context that one another have to do with each other the younger you are the more pleasant you are to be with look at dream about yet when you become older your beauty begins to fade and no longer are what people want but what people ignore.You lose that glow that you once had when you were younger and are poured in as a burden to have around So you See that when you are ugly lets put it that way you are ever so loved that it is hard to find something or someone that likes you of how you are yet when you have the looks and charm things come easy to you and run more smoothly past in life.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button ch.3-7

After reading chapters 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter and your solutions for each.

Well the first problem i believe he will face is whether to stay with his wife and child or divorce her and go on to live a younger more hip life style then the one he is having with his wife.A solution to this problem would be that he would have to stay with his wife until he eventually dies because in some time he must know that he will die.

The 2nd problem he will face would be that what will he do about the fact that with each passing year he becomes more younger and more socially active.He wants to do more things now then he did before and he cant because of the way he is living with a woman that is now become elderly.A solution that i think would be best fitted for his problem would be that he needs to find some way to balance out the time he has going out and the time he has being with his wife he needs to know when to spend time with his wife like the way they did before and then after that he may go out to do thins that make him happy and enjoyable.

The 3rd problem i think he would have is that whether or not he will realize that as he gets younger he also gets closer to death because if he was born at a elderly age where most people die then he would have to expect the the fact that death is coming as he gets younger and he needs to figure out what to do with the time he has left.A solution to this problem would be to finish doing the things he wanted to complete in life or do the things that most made him happy
that's the best solution because there is nothing he can do to stop becoming younger he was happy at first now and if he realizes it he has to know what to do next and what not to do to make choices that will affect the people who love him.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button Ch.2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks and worried about what people are going to say.What should he do?

Well as him i would take him home and go to the store to buy him some clothes to make him look more appropriate i wouldnt call him my son but i would say that he is my father and has come from another state to live with me before he dies i believe that would work fine becuase the way the man is aged they would assume that he is just being a good son having him in his house and taking care of him...that would work out well until he died or if Roger knew that he would become younger then i would call him my son.

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

What would you have done if you were Roger Button in Chapter 1?

Honestly I would have been denying the very fact that my own son would have came out to be a man i would not have accepted it but i would have had to because he is my son and no matter how he is i would have to take care of him...however i most likely would not want him to be my son i couldn't live with the fact that eventually in a couple of years he will die its not the fact that my son came out to be old and frailed no as a parent you should love your child no matter its defects or the pain it will bring you..

Monday, April 13, 2009

Loving Grace

As time passes slowly day by day
I become more desolate and unphased
Pondering over the thought of her loving grace
Trying hard not to follow her gaze
I am cursed like a demon with a tyrant spell that bounds me
Cold shadowy clouds surround me
Freezing violent winds ground me
There I am so alone yet the holy spirit guides me
I have no good soul I have no morals yet her love for me is pure and does not toil..
I watch as she stares at me with awe
Thinking that I am worth it all
As she reaches to give me a kiss
I get weary and hurt like a blowing hit…
Now as I lie here in my grave she sheds a heavy warm tear
As it falls on to my spirit the hurt pain and love go away…
Finally after so many years of pain I no longer walk astray..

Monday, March 30, 2009

I woke up early in the morning same time .... same feeling.You see for an ol' rancher like me i knew that an early morning meant more time to farm and grow my crops well enough that they would be ready for springtime.Ranching took mind and perspiration you needed a good mind to know when to plant,when to harvest,and when to finally use them for food.Many of us farmers like to think we know much about crops when in fact we must learn through time that a good crop comes from weathered hands.
It was still pretty early in the day so after checking the barn to make sure nothing was stolen the night before i took our dog Sam outside for a walk.I noticed something on the way past the corn field that several of my corn stalks were trampled down by some sort of large footprints Hmph.. mustve been that damn hog always coming in to my fields eating up anything to his taste.I knew where that piggy was i just didn't have no right over him to slaughter the beast.i had gone up to the head of out town to talk with the officials about this matter they didn't pay no mind to it they said "if its not my property then keep my hands 0ff the thing".
My young ones called him Hogger because he never let any one take his food away from him.I remember one time by the creek i took my son fishing when he caught a glimpse of "Hogger" that foul beast he was taunting Jeremiah I knew it too for my son eventually tried to catch him.He said ill get him for ya pop don't
you worry ...I worried because if i couldn't gun down the sucker then how could my boy of 10 years catch em.i watched as my boy ran and ran after Hogger laughing as the pig was squealing and scurrying around the creek trying to lose my boy from pummeling him to the ground.
Now as i went back to where my corn stalks lay i started to pick up the waste and put them in the sack that i had with me.
Sam was there by my side a few feet away pawing at something beneath him I yelled to him stop it boy your going to mess up my field more then what has already been done to it.
He didn't listen he kept pawing and pawing at the dirt as if it was food i gave him a slap in his hind he whined now stop it boy i gone off and told you to stop.He whined again what boy I'm sorry now if i hurt you it wasn't something i meant to do you just got on my last strand of sanity.Now he continued to whine i looked at him what boy whats wrong i looked him in the eyes that's when i noticed the sparkle in his right eye it was gleaming bright.I looked closer then i noticed it was coming from the back of myself .i turned right quick and glanced at the .golden nugget sticking out from the dirt floor.
well ill be damned all this time he was trying to tell me he found the one thing this family needed money..I called to my wife to bring me the shovel.I started to dig Ooh boy what i found there made me real happy.A dozen nuggets of gold
with one big chunk of gold stuck to some dirt and gravel but i didn't mind i had enough money to now buy what i needed to farm well and have enough leftover
for any other things we may need for the house.
My family and i all decided to celebrate with a nice hearty meal We ate some sweet bread with some soup and chicken that was a day ill always remember for that day was when i finally learned even the most unexpected things come from those who love you like my dog Sam thanks bud.....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1)I get really mad and hate it when people talk about my father.
2)I hate heart break.
3)I get mad when people try forcing me to do something i dont want to do.
4)I get mad at myself when i have to do something i dont want to do.
5)I get mad when people act like they care when they dont.
6)I hate it when people act tough.
7)I hate it when people dont tell you something straight up.
8)I hate when people lie about something important.
9)I hate when people get jealous.
10)I hate people who focus on their looks to much.
11)I hate when i dont land a trick right in my skateboard.
12)I hate it when my mom makes fun of my looks.
13)I hate it when people dis my friends or me before we even say anything about them.
14)I hate it when i get blamed for something i didnt do.
15)I hate it getting yelled at by my father.
16)I hate waking up early.
17)I hate when almost everyone of my friends ask me for gum.
18)I hate when my friends say "loco" in weird voices constantly.
19)I hate when people are persistent to know something.
20)I hate when people steal something of yours.
21)I hate anything having to do with racism and discrimanation.
22)I get really ticked off when people do not even try to help the poor.
23)People who act as if there better then you are.
24)People who rub things in your face.
25)Sore losers.
26)I hate burnt food.
27)I get really ticked when people judge me.
28)I hate it when people say i cant accomplish something.
29)I get mad when i cant go to church on sundays
30)I hate it when people wake me up for something thats not important.
31)I hate traffic.
32)I hate it when cars just zoom by fast when kids are walking.
33)I hate it when i cant sleep at night.
34)I get mad at myself for dwelling on the past.
35)I hate i when i dont take chances.
36)I hate stepping in dog poo poo. :(
37)I hate when i dirty my clothes.
38)I hate when people act as if their angels.
39)I hate when people trick to much.
40)I get mad when i cant fix something.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friends deepest darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep.i met this kid in 2ND grade lets call him hector i knew him for awhile he was a strange kid he said he came from Cuba i said cool man where do you live maybe we can hang out sometime he said that good to hear problem we started talking playing almost everyday together we shared lots of things together toys,food,clothes.when he was sick i would go and see if he was ok if he needed anything and he said yeah a new body we laughed because he was trying to say he needed to get better he did it was nothing serious but we still took care of him as if he was dying we were together till the 6Th grade then i moved to the north side where Ive been living ever since.Before i had left though i had left with a sad heart for i was the one or rather i feel responsible for my friends jail sentence you see he killed his brother they thought it was his dad or maybe his other big brother something having to do with gangs and stuff like that i told the police when they questioned me that no he shot him on accident not purposely the police didn't care they said murder Is murder and there is no break for it you break the law you must do the time along with crime you committed don't ever think you ll get a break because the law does not bend for no one and will especially not tolerate they sent a detention center hes 16 now yeah he was 2 yrs older then me when we met remember he came Cuba there education is different there.I visited him a couple times hes not mad at me for what i did he said he understands why i did it we talk about what we use to do when we were together before they took him in he asks how I am doing I say fine better then you we laugh there eventually going to move him to a jail he has to spend 47 years there imagine that growing old in a place where you either fight or die trying to live through it all I feel bad and sad sometimes knowing hat he has to spend all that time in there without tasting the good life but he says its ok because he never really wanted to live after killing his brother he couldn't live with The fact that he had killed his only brother that he really connected to spent time with and had fun with every time he was with him he was the one brother that helped him through rough times now hes gone forever by my own hands he says i can not live with that no i cant it is just to painful for me...

Friday, February 27, 2009

I would wish for Barack Obama to at the least plan to end the war in Iraq in order to return loved ones back to their families. to reunite them together.
In my eyes I feel as if there is no point in keeping troops in Iraq for no apparent reason what so ever. There not doing Anything there except dying.
The fighting is pointless to us however maybe not all would like to return home some may like the war. we would need to ask many troops or at least a certain amount of them in order to figure out if they would like to stay there or leave. To many families that have troops overseas miss them greatly and can not bear to not see them die or get injured anymore for something so pointless.

When you look closely to the story behind it all and you see through eyes of struggling families it shows that when the rich wage war it’s the poor who die and Suffer horrible painful deaths with little or no honor at all.
Soldiers train not to fear the stench of death to not have fear to show no mercy on their victims. They train in order to keep people like us safe from harm and what do we do we send more of them to die for no one not us for we are not the ones who want them their but it is the previous president that has condemned them to die for nothing. What if the soldiers there have hope that they will find something worth fighting for we don’t know how each any every one of them feel for we have not experienced the thrill or fear of killing someone we have no clue what they feel about either honoring
For me I just would like to see the troops home I care in a way that if I was there in Iraq I would most likely want to come back because I am smart enough to realize that staying there dying for a MORONS decision and beliefs is complete phooey imp dying for another mans choice I say heck no to that for I will not defend someone that has no points in to continue the war.

To die for one mans cause is to die for an entire platoon of men trying to work their way out of a war with no point in sight of the worthiness of fighting for.die for George Bushes revenge or anger at the Iranians is not what The United States stands for it stand for the freedom and liberating of something that needs our help that’s why we have soldiers that’s why we need to get those troops out of there for George Bush to send soldiers out there for his loss is not our problem let bush put on a helmet pads and armor with a rifle. He wont last 5 ,minutes in the battlefield because he has not seen what he’s sending his men out their to do.

To me I hope that Obama focuses on getting those troops out of there then again what will the troops do when they get back the economic structure of our society is steadily decreasing and if we don’t do something about it we will all have failed as a nation together.Obama if he could read this I wouldn’t let him no I would tell him personally face to face to show him how I feel on this for I want Obama to hear what a man my age has to say on this matter for I want him to focus at the least 15% of his attention on this matter for families want their loved ones home and want Obama to know that we have faith in him because he has shown and made us believe that together we can accomplish our goals for the future. The plan to end the war may take long but if the people know that it will end soon enough then that bestows even more faith in the president Barack Obama it show that his plan are working an soon other ones will.To me if Obama plans work I will tell every person I can to trust in his mind and thoughts about these hardships for if this works smoothly I believe everything else will J.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Parents are the best teachers

Parents are the best teachers and i will show you why.
parents can be the best teachers because they can show you more about certain subjects like reading and math by showing you ways they have figured how to do it themselves faster and easier.They can show you the aspects of life the troubles,the fears,and the glories you will have.
They will teach you from day one to walk,run,play,write,read,for they are the ones who have taught you longer and harder making sure that you can be successful in your future.They will and can teach you right from wrong.They parents can show you more about certain subjects like reading and math by showing you ways they have figured how to do it themselves faster and easier.
They most likely know more then you because they have experienced more before you especially if they have been in other country for those from more foreign places know more because they experience more then in the united states….well in my eyes that’s the way I see it.
more on what they already know then put it with yoursthey advance your thinking in ways you never thought you could do.
They can also train you in other things As well like in different arts and crafts or sports an train you in crafts and sports. can train you if they know this art like martial arts for example.can show you how to improve yourself and what you can do to increase your knowledge in this particular art.

they ll show you skills and other techniques that they used to get better at the craft they will show you tricks and some stuff they know that you might think unimportant.

Your parents can show you new stuff that is actually very useful.
You may think that you know all the right stuff to ace something when actually you don’t and your parents as old as they are they still hold knowledge greater then yours.

Many may believe that old people don’t know anything and are slow on new events this may be true but they will always know something more then you ll know why? Well because they have gone and seen more and been through more just as when you have kids you pass on what you know to them.
They know more languages then you or different writing styles then you then they can teach you how to understand different people and what they mean when they talk or write you something.
They will always be there for help and other useful knowledge for even though you may not want to know anything from them or learn anything because you don’t like them they still can teach you something useful in your life that you might need.
Parents can and are the best teachers and Ill give you 3 reasons why.
Parents can show you more about certain subjects like reading and math by showing you ways they have figured how to do it themselves faster and easier.
They can show you the aspects of life the troubles,the fears,and the glories you will have.
They will teach you from day one to walk,run,play,write,read,for they are the ones who have taught you longer and harder making sure that you can be successful in your future.
They teach you right from wrong.

These are my three reasons why I believe that parents are and always will be the best teachers.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill everyone Needs

A skill that many people would need to learn is a basic one, one that has been taught to us in the early days of life till the end of it .This skill is to read, maybe to some of you it would not be an important skill however it is.Many believe that Reading is not a essential component in life but it is and we all need to learn this skill because this is a skill that aids in medical practices and careers that either save lives or help them.Reading is a necessary skill because we need to be able to read things such as warnings and signs that heed warnings.This skill is even used to read ancient writings because this skill is taught in many ways.

Lets think back a few years to when many people of color could not read.In these times that was considered a casual thing for colored people to have however they did not like the fact that people thought this way towards them they wanted people to think that they were smart and new the same amount of knowledge the others did or even more.Reading was required for many jobs and still is you need to learn how to be able to read instructions to operate machinery or read labels saying don't mix this with this and such, for this is helpful to learn especially when and if you do something wrong that could cause harm or danger to your life.

Reading helps us learn new things from our past because reading is not just used as term for reading the English language however it is needed in other proficiencies as well.Like many archaeologists they need this skill to read glyphs and writings on walls or stones of some kind.They can also see whats on pottery what they have written on that and the designs that they used to write on them.We can also use the skill "to read" peoples emotions or the way they act in a ways you cant tell how they feel about something.People in law enforcement use this skill in order to read if some one is lying or feels scared or to simply read the persons face could help them figure out if there doing something there not supposed to.Even parents can have this skill they use this to see if were lying to them and with the experience they have its more likely that they can tell right away what they want to know.

Another way reading can be used is in research and analysis.This gives you the skill to be able to read what that person was trying to say or what he or she was explaining in their work.Now to analyze, you read something to help you figure a puzzle and out put the pieces together.reading is kinda like a universal language and is taught to many people around the world some people may be a better reader than you or not they may more about this skill then you do you never know for sure but what we do know is that reading is a developing skill not just one you can learn in a few minutes or seconds no this skill develops as you grow older and study this skill more it starts from the early days of and infant to the passing days as a elder or senior.reading will never have and end because it simply cant we need this skill to be a successful person in life and we must know to cherish the fact that we can know this skill because many others don't have the privilege to learn this skill and must go through life never knowing to read so i say learn this skill and influence yourself to study the very nature of its existence and why we need it in our lives.

In my final beliefs in why i think people need to learn this skill would be because this skill helps in your lifetime even now or later on in life this skill helps you all around the world learning to read not only in English but also in other languages can help develop you to learn different languages as well and in this you can receive better jobs or careers because you can read other languages you will be recommended by others in that field.So you see not only does reading help you in school or at jobs but also at making new friends with other people from around the world you can even teach your children this skill when they grow old enough to hold that knowledge in their minds.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nature Haiku

The sunsetting beautifully

looking upon the sky

I rest my soul

Monday, February 9, 2009

!25 Things I want to do in my lifetime!

1)Join the army.
2)I want to go back to Ecuador
3)Want to go to New york
4)would like to have a family
5)finish middleschool.
6)Finish highschool
7)go to college
8)Find someone that really Loves me.
9)help the poor.
10)find a career
11)travel the world
12)become a skilled martial artist
13)buy a house.
14)buy a car that my dad would really like
15)learn new bike tricks
16)learn new skate tricks
17)become a skilled drawer.
18)create a cartoon
19)take my brother to see hollywood undead
20)take my family to a different country
21)buy new gear for my brother
22)help my brother cris lose some weight
23)live untill when god thinks its time for me die
24)live long fight hard work strong die fast
25)die old buried next to my father or brother...:)