Friday, February 27, 2009

I would wish for Barack Obama to at the least plan to end the war in Iraq in order to return loved ones back to their families. to reunite them together.
In my eyes I feel as if there is no point in keeping troops in Iraq for no apparent reason what so ever. There not doing Anything there except dying.
The fighting is pointless to us however maybe not all would like to return home some may like the war. we would need to ask many troops or at least a certain amount of them in order to figure out if they would like to stay there or leave. To many families that have troops overseas miss them greatly and can not bear to not see them die or get injured anymore for something so pointless.

When you look closely to the story behind it all and you see through eyes of struggling families it shows that when the rich wage war it’s the poor who die and Suffer horrible painful deaths with little or no honor at all.
Soldiers train not to fear the stench of death to not have fear to show no mercy on their victims. They train in order to keep people like us safe from harm and what do we do we send more of them to die for no one not us for we are not the ones who want them their but it is the previous president that has condemned them to die for nothing. What if the soldiers there have hope that they will find something worth fighting for we don’t know how each any every one of them feel for we have not experienced the thrill or fear of killing someone we have no clue what they feel about either honoring
For me I just would like to see the troops home I care in a way that if I was there in Iraq I would most likely want to come back because I am smart enough to realize that staying there dying for a MORONS decision and beliefs is complete phooey imp dying for another mans choice I say heck no to that for I will not defend someone that has no points in to continue the war.

To die for one mans cause is to die for an entire platoon of men trying to work their way out of a war with no point in sight of the worthiness of fighting for.die for George Bushes revenge or anger at the Iranians is not what The United States stands for it stand for the freedom and liberating of something that needs our help that’s why we have soldiers that’s why we need to get those troops out of there for George Bush to send soldiers out there for his loss is not our problem let bush put on a helmet pads and armor with a rifle. He wont last 5 ,minutes in the battlefield because he has not seen what he’s sending his men out their to do.

To me I hope that Obama focuses on getting those troops out of there then again what will the troops do when they get back the economic structure of our society is steadily decreasing and if we don’t do something about it we will all have failed as a nation together.Obama if he could read this I wouldn’t let him no I would tell him personally face to face to show him how I feel on this for I want Obama to hear what a man my age has to say on this matter for I want him to focus at the least 15% of his attention on this matter for families want their loved ones home and want Obama to know that we have faith in him because he has shown and made us believe that together we can accomplish our goals for the future. The plan to end the war may take long but if the people know that it will end soon enough then that bestows even more faith in the president Barack Obama it show that his plan are working an soon other ones will.To me if Obama plans work I will tell every person I can to trust in his mind and thoughts about these hardships for if this works smoothly I believe everything else will J.

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