Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill everyone Needs

A skill that many people would need to learn is a basic one, one that has been taught to us in the early days of life till the end of it .This skill is to read, maybe to some of you it would not be an important skill however it is.Many believe that Reading is not a essential component in life but it is and we all need to learn this skill because this is a skill that aids in medical practices and careers that either save lives or help them.Reading is a necessary skill because we need to be able to read things such as warnings and signs that heed warnings.This skill is even used to read ancient writings because this skill is taught in many ways.

Lets think back a few years to when many people of color could not read.In these times that was considered a casual thing for colored people to have however they did not like the fact that people thought this way towards them they wanted people to think that they were smart and new the same amount of knowledge the others did or even more.Reading was required for many jobs and still is you need to learn how to be able to read instructions to operate machinery or read labels saying don't mix this with this and such, for this is helpful to learn especially when and if you do something wrong that could cause harm or danger to your life.

Reading helps us learn new things from our past because reading is not just used as term for reading the English language however it is needed in other proficiencies as well.Like many archaeologists they need this skill to read glyphs and writings on walls or stones of some kind.They can also see whats on pottery what they have written on that and the designs that they used to write on them.We can also use the skill "to read" peoples emotions or the way they act in a ways you cant tell how they feel about something.People in law enforcement use this skill in order to read if some one is lying or feels scared or to simply read the persons face could help them figure out if there doing something there not supposed to.Even parents can have this skill they use this to see if were lying to them and with the experience they have its more likely that they can tell right away what they want to know.

Another way reading can be used is in research and analysis.This gives you the skill to be able to read what that person was trying to say or what he or she was explaining in their work.Now to analyze, you read something to help you figure a puzzle and out put the pieces together.reading is kinda like a universal language and is taught to many people around the world some people may be a better reader than you or not they may more about this skill then you do you never know for sure but what we do know is that reading is a developing skill not just one you can learn in a few minutes or seconds no this skill develops as you grow older and study this skill more it starts from the early days of and infant to the passing days as a elder or senior.reading will never have and end because it simply cant we need this skill to be a successful person in life and we must know to cherish the fact that we can know this skill because many others don't have the privilege to learn this skill and must go through life never knowing to read so i say learn this skill and influence yourself to study the very nature of its existence and why we need it in our lives.

In my final beliefs in why i think people need to learn this skill would be because this skill helps in your lifetime even now or later on in life this skill helps you all around the world learning to read not only in English but also in other languages can help develop you to learn different languages as well and in this you can receive better jobs or careers because you can read other languages you will be recommended by others in that field.So you see not only does reading help you in school or at jobs but also at making new friends with other people from around the world you can even teach your children this skill when they grow old enough to hold that knowledge in their minds.

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