Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1)I get really mad and hate it when people talk about my father.
2)I hate heart break.
3)I get mad when people try forcing me to do something i dont want to do.
4)I get mad at myself when i have to do something i dont want to do.
5)I get mad when people act like they care when they dont.
6)I hate it when people act tough.
7)I hate it when people dont tell you something straight up.
8)I hate when people lie about something important.
9)I hate when people get jealous.
10)I hate people who focus on their looks to much.
11)I hate when i dont land a trick right in my skateboard.
12)I hate it when my mom makes fun of my looks.
13)I hate it when people dis my friends or me before we even say anything about them.
14)I hate it when i get blamed for something i didnt do.
15)I hate it getting yelled at by my father.
16)I hate waking up early.
17)I hate when almost everyone of my friends ask me for gum.
18)I hate when my friends say "loco" in weird voices constantly.
19)I hate when people are persistent to know something.
20)I hate when people steal something of yours.
21)I hate anything having to do with racism and discrimanation.
22)I get really ticked off when people do not even try to help the poor.
23)People who act as if there better then you are.
24)People who rub things in your face.
25)Sore losers.
26)I hate burnt food.
27)I get really ticked when people judge me.
28)I hate it when people say i cant accomplish something.
29)I get mad when i cant go to church on sundays
30)I hate it when people wake me up for something thats not important.
31)I hate traffic.
32)I hate it when cars just zoom by fast when kids are walking.
33)I hate it when i cant sleep at night.
34)I get mad at myself for dwelling on the past.
35)I hate i when i dont take chances.
36)I hate stepping in dog poo poo. :(
37)I hate when i dirty my clothes.
38)I hate when people act as if their angels.
39)I hate when people trick to much.
40)I get mad when i cant fix something.


  1. i love your pet peeves loco!!!!!!!!
    specialy the 17 and 18 but more the 18
    nice job

  2. man i like number 17 cause u do always have gun

  3. some of the things you listed are funny like number 36 its really funny but why would your mom make fun of your looks?

  4. I like #9, but what do you don't like about jealousy?
