Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Parents are the best teachers

Parents are the best teachers and i will show you why.
parents can be the best teachers because they can show you more about certain subjects like reading and math by showing you ways they have figured how to do it themselves faster and easier.They can show you the aspects of life the troubles,the fears,and the glories you will have.
They will teach you from day one to walk,run,play,write,read,for they are the ones who have taught you longer and harder making sure that you can be successful in your future.They will and can teach you right from wrong.They parents can show you more about certain subjects like reading and math by showing you ways they have figured how to do it themselves faster and easier.
They most likely know more then you because they have experienced more before you especially if they have been in other country for those from more foreign places know more because they experience more then in the united states….well in my eyes that’s the way I see it.
more on what they already know then put it with yoursthey advance your thinking in ways you never thought you could do.
They can also train you in other things As well like in different arts and crafts or sports an train you in crafts and sports. can train you if they know this art like martial arts for example.can show you how to improve yourself and what you can do to increase your knowledge in this particular art.

they ll show you skills and other techniques that they used to get better at the craft they will show you tricks and some stuff they know that you might think unimportant.

Your parents can show you new stuff that is actually very useful.
You may think that you know all the right stuff to ace something when actually you don’t and your parents as old as they are they still hold knowledge greater then yours.

Many may believe that old people don’t know anything and are slow on new events this may be true but they will always know something more then you ll know why? Well because they have gone and seen more and been through more just as when you have kids you pass on what you know to them.
They know more languages then you or different writing styles then you then they can teach you how to understand different people and what they mean when they talk or write you something.
They will always be there for help and other useful knowledge for even though you may not want to know anything from them or learn anything because you don’t like them they still can teach you something useful in your life that you might need.
Parents can and are the best teachers and Ill give you 3 reasons why.
Parents can show you more about certain subjects like reading and math by showing you ways they have figured how to do it themselves faster and easier.
They can show you the aspects of life the troubles,the fears,and the glories you will have.
They will teach you from day one to walk,run,play,write,read,for they are the ones who have taught you longer and harder making sure that you can be successful in your future.
They teach you right from wrong.

These are my three reasons why I believe that parents are and always will be the best teachers.