Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button ch.3-7

After reading chapters 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter and your solutions for each.

Well the first problem i believe he will face is whether to stay with his wife and child or divorce her and go on to live a younger more hip life style then the one he is having with his wife.A solution to this problem would be that he would have to stay with his wife until he eventually dies because in some time he must know that he will die.

The 2nd problem he will face would be that what will he do about the fact that with each passing year he becomes more younger and more socially active.He wants to do more things now then he did before and he cant because of the way he is living with a woman that is now become elderly.A solution that i think would be best fitted for his problem would be that he needs to find some way to balance out the time he has going out and the time he has being with his wife he needs to know when to spend time with his wife like the way they did before and then after that he may go out to do thins that make him happy and enjoyable.

The 3rd problem i think he would have is that whether or not he will realize that as he gets younger he also gets closer to death because if he was born at a elderly age where most people die then he would have to expect the the fact that death is coming as he gets younger and he needs to figure out what to do with the time he has left.A solution to this problem would be to finish doing the things he wanted to complete in life or do the things that most made him happy
that's the best solution because there is nothing he can do to stop becoming younger he was happy at first now and if he realizes it he has to know what to do next and what not to do to make choices that will affect the people who love him.


  1. i agreed with u about him having to get divorsed and live his own life nice job jonathan?=]

  2. dude this is nice its good and its long and spider pig agrees too lol
