Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr.Heideggers Experiment

As i Had watched the behavior of my dear friends and how they reacted to them being young...
I thought about how if i would have the clear mind to try the water this...this Elixir would it bring me great wisdom and knowledge that i had before would it grant me the righteous act of performing my standards well or would it simply make me repeat the same foul mistakes i had done before.These questioned haunted me as i sat there in disbelief on how my friends had exalted there acts by doing simply the opposite of what i had told them to do Considering the fact that I was indeed the one that had introduced this Elixir to them i am responsible for the mess it had brought forth.Take it as example or as it be all were doing the same mistakes and proble,s they had before arguing over some wretch of a woman,the same man who was a corrupted politician,everyone of them acting as they did before none had taken precaution to what was happening to them none thought of themselves as the same way they were before...For me this water that i had was curse a predicament that would only upbring problems and harrasment towards me to distribute it to all who wanted it for i knew that once taken in you or anyone else could not stop to drink it..I i did not want to take any part in the water none at all i was very pleased somewhat that i had seen the water spill for if it was gone i was saved tempting it was to drink it to fell young again but it would come with price a price that i knew would bring e nothing but despair for what i have done....In my final theories and conclusive thoughts to this matter i will not take it i will not drink it if my dear old friends decided to burden themselves with this insane matter it would be there choice to live with but i as a human being and a Doctor could not and wil not bear my self with it and that is my final word......



  2. good job i understood half because of the big words but what i understood was good
