Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button Chapters 8-The End.

Explain what this story says about each of these issues use examples from the story support your explanation.

Family:In the story the way family is expressed is defined solely by the unity of one another.The very theme of the story makes it seem as if the button family is indeed a major family in society yet with the birth of Benjamin the way the Buttons use to be is not the same at
all.Family for better or for worse they have to be there for each other help one another accept them for who they are yet try to help them if they do not follow the righteous path .In the story to me the Buttons are in a way separated by the birth of Benjamin Rogers father does not approve of this and absolutely in no way does Roger feel any affection for Benjamin when he is old yet when he becomes more younger and understood he is actually accepted by those around him.

Age:In the story age is a tremendous ideal concept in the place in which where the buttons reside Roger is firmly concerned with the fact that if Benjamin was to be Shown to the people in which know the Benjamin's he would be made a mockery of a fool and his business and everything else that is important to Roger will fall.Now some think age does not matter but for him it did to be seen with a man of his age of his stature it would be unexplainable to people they wouldn't see Benjamin as a gift to them but a curse a becoming of something that isn't right Age here in the story is important almost as if it showed whether or not you were an ideal person in.the place in where you lived in or not.

Beauty:Beauty is described in this passage that certain things take its affects on you and it makes you more weary and fragile the very thought of looking at someone who has become so hideous and terribly marked as a dread to you in life is hurtful.Yes age and beauty are somewhat related in the context that one another have to do with each other the younger you are the more pleasant you are to be with look at dream about yet when you become older your beauty begins to fade and no longer are what people want but what people ignore.You lose that glow that you once had when you were younger and are poured in as a burden to have around So you See that when you are ugly lets put it that way you are ever so loved that it is hard to find something or someone that likes you of how you are yet when you have the looks and charm things come easy to you and run more smoothly past in life.

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