Monday, May 18, 2009

The Diary Of Anne Frank


1)The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery.which rules would be hardest for you to follow?why?

I would say that the hardest rule of all that would he hard for me to follow is to stay still for a very long time i do not have the mind and patience to stay still that long doing nothing.

2)In scene 1,what objectives does Mr.Frank find in the secret rooms.

He finds a a small white glove and a diary given to him by Miep.

2.b)These objects are connected with the rest of the story because on how he finds the white glove (probably Anne's) and the giving of the Diary he leads us into the story line.

3)What special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families?

To them the celebration holds a great meaningful powerful event because at last they can join together to celebrate something that brings them peace and unity it it something that gives them the will and spirit to survive and keep fighting.

b.)I guess you can say that it shows that in spite of how people are towards her she still thinks of them and cares.

c.)They act with enthusiasm because they hope it can show more unity between them.

4)With a partner discuss Mr.Franks statement "There are no locks that anyone can put on your mind"How does Anne prove that this is true.

She proves that this is true because she speaks what she thinks what she believes is the right thing to do or say.

5)The historical cause is that te Germans want to be the only race with superiority over any other race among themselves.So they want to make sure that each Race among them that is not the same as them or equal is killed off.

b)Well it makes them scared for their lives because they know what will happen if they are found.

In scene 2 ,Anne and peter discuss the stars of David on their clothes.

a.what effects do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to to have on the Jews?

They want the Jews probably to know that they are property of the Germans.

b.)Well for on you know that they wanted to be one solo race and they would kill all who opposed them in any way.

7)Complete an organizer like the one shown with examples of dialogue that achieve each purpose.

Mr.kraler and Mr.Frank talking about the final person moving in which is showing that there relationship between each other is good because Mr.Frank accepts him in.Gives advancement to the plot by showing that now they have a new person coming in.It shows that thers going to be conflict between the current residents.

8)It reveals that some of them are very selfish and don't take kindly to others even if they don't know them.


1)What do you like most about Anne Frank?How would you like having her as a friend?

I think i would like her as a friend because she seems like a very cool and fun kid to hang with.

2)What disturbing news does Mr.Kraler Bring on New Years Day?He tells them that one of his employees may know that they are hiding here and has asked for a increased money on his salary or pay day money.

b)The hint that it gives is that you know something bad will happen to them in the end.

3)The time span of act 2 is already going on for 1 year and a half now.

b)The characters have changed from the end of act 1 in a very cold way from being hopeful yet afraidtheyhave gone to being depressed and just wanting this to end already.

c)I know Anne has changed because you cant tell from her actions and how she acts towards the people living with her especially with Peter.

4)She 'wants to believe that for i can tell that deeply she knows the world is a cold place and full of torment and hatred but she tries hard to believe in the goodness of people and she wishes that this ;War could end.

b)He probably means that 'puts me to shame' because from what he has experienced and seen he believes in his heart that people are cruel and tyrants.

5)Cause:Hes Hungry and doesn't wish to starve himself.
Effect:He awakens the others an they catch him stealing food.

b)Cause:Was because of the Mr.Van Dann stealing food for himself when he should be worrying more about his son peter eating.

Effect:She changes her mind because she hears that the war will soon be over because the U.s ships have landed nearby.

6)Well for one she might think that shell lose Peters love to Anne and since the mother cares deeply for Peter she doesn't want to lose him to some girl that isn't worth it in her eyes.

7)Cause:7 People living together closely.
Effect:Each day and passing week and month becomes harder for them because the more they spend close to each other they become more aggravated and do not like certain things about each other.

8) [ character ] [ Action ] [ Motivation ]

Miep: Brings Flowers and food to the To bring them food and
Attic room. something from outside to
make them feel better.

Mr.Van Daan: Stole Food from Food storage He was very Hungry and
Cabinet. Starving.

Peter Van Daan: Goes to his fathers aid to defend He sees that Mrs.Frank is
Him from whats happening. going beserk in her rage.

9)Well maybe since the 'informer' knew that hiding a jew would meandeath he didnt want to be interrogated and he would spill the fact that he knew were jews are hiding so in order not to die he told the police well thats what i think i dont know about you guys.
Believe what you want to believe but be careful is key.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1)Einsatzgruppen were known as mobile killing squads or rather a group of Hitlers Soldiers and armed police men killed any Jew or race that was enemy to the Germans.

2)Several camps were designed only specificaly for women such as RavensBruck and Auschwitz Birkenau.

3)I know theyre were concentration camps extermination camps and Rescue camps.

4)Two people both polish but the girl was jewish polish fell in love in Auschwitz camp they espcaped together yet were caught by border control and sentenced to die by hanging them both Edek was the man he went first then the girl Mala who went last and before they could hang her she cut her wrist in defiance to not giving up i guess.

5)Genocide means crimes commited to exstinguish any other race besides your own.

6)Nazis experimented with poison gas for huge muders in 1939.

7)They also has Gas vans that carried and transported large amounts of certain dealy gases.

8)Between 1933 and 1945 had over 20,000 camps.

9)Germany annexed Austria in March 1938.

10)They had exterminstion camps in poland becuase theyre were more Jewish groups there.

11)young jewish kids were most likey to survive longer becuase they could be forced to do more labor then older jews like adults and elders.

12)Prisoners were forced to climb 186 steps known as the Steps of death of the wiener Graben with large blocks of granite on their backs often the blocks would fall crushing the others following.

13)Many would be forced to jump off cetain cliffs if they were the ones btted on and they lost this was known as the the parachute jump.

14)Many women were faced to deal with sexual relations to get food or basic comforts.

15)Jewishand roma women were used to conduct experiments on.

16)Women were the ones who placed more resistance to harsh treatsments and escaping then men.

17)Many ssmen killed children that were marked unwanted or dangerous to them in some way.

18)Germans and Hitlers men killed over 1.5 million children.

19)Jewish children died from starvation and exposure to different weathers and since they had little or no clothing they became more vulnerable.

20)Euthansia program was the first mass murder program.

21)German authorities incarcerated kids in concentraton camps and extermination.

22)Displaced personcamps is where children would go when they could not find famly or relatives.

23)Germans often attempted to hide their muder by demolishing the camps.

24)Auschwitz was the largest exterminantion camp.

25)They also killed homosexuals becuase they didnt like the behavioral ways.

26)They found many mens suits and womens clothing.

27)they found over 14,000 pounds of human hair.

28)British forces also served in liberating the camps.

29)Disease was also the main cause of death or else not by the hands of the germans.

30)Many camps had to be bruned to prevent diseases and epidemics from spreading.

31)Many liberators found many unburied corpses.

32)Many germans stuffed so many peopleingas chambers and krematouriums that they threw canisters and cans of gas to dothe job more quickly.

33)The united states allowd more then 400,000 displaced persons to come to america.

34)Some were shot inthe back of the head against something knownas the black wall.

35)Blue and gray psrahter thenstars onthier shirts meant theywere polish.

36) Stars were marked for Jewish prisoners.

37)Liberated jews and polishthatwere inu.s camps were known as POWS.

38)Many came out from german camps few ever survived.

39)Becuase of the hrash conditions and bad habits inwhich theylived manyjews died.

40)Adolf Hitler thought that there should only be one superior race.

41)many jews wanted to go to palastine illegally.

42)Zyklon b gas was the commonlyused gas product for the germans.

43)Mayjews were doing forced laborand other things theydid not want to do in camps some were tricked that they were going totake a shower when they would betaking a shower in death.

43)therewere 3 different types of gas canisters.

44)Resistance and resuce was more commonin the remaing yea of the war from both british and american.

45)Some established relationships in campseither to give comfort or protection.

46)There were sometimes groups of womenthatmade plans to escape.

47)Typhus was a known disease to be very disease killed Anne Frank.

48)Jews became friends with unknown people.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel And Gretel

As a Father me Hearing My Wife saying, even planning the way to rid ourselves of our children was by the least revering i had thought that us men were suppose to be the strong ones the ones who could care less about something yet when i was listening to what she planned to do i was in a state of paranoia.A mother planning to leave her own children alone by them selves in the woods was repulsive mothers are caring,kind,and take good care of there young ones and always love them no matter the cause or what happens.when i lied there in my bed next to her i thought what she speaks is true i can not provide enough for the four of us and i certainly cannot deal to myself the thought of not being able to feed my kids.Much i thought about this and after 5 long painful hours thinking about the outcomes of this ideas i fell asleep it wasn't long when i awoke for it seemed that i had only just fell asleep i saw that my wife wasn't beside me she mustve woken the kids i got dressed and headed out the front door i sat their waiting on the steps for them to come outside they did but i saw in my children's eyes that they were unhappy some how in someway i felt as if they knew what was happening but were to afraid to say anything about it.We set off towards the Forest me thinking to myself whether or not if they could find there way back or not maybe they would and i would be happy again.when we left them there next to the campfire we went into the forest but went around a bend a cut off going around and exiting the forest it was about 7 when we made it back to our house and i saw no remorse no weeping coming from my wife i was astonished i had thought that maybe she was terribly miserable about what she had done..but she wasn't.In the morning when i had gotten up i tended to my usual daily routine and expecting for the day to end in silence when i had come home not long afterwards was there a knock on the Door maybe it was an Official knowing that we had done the day before i looked peeped through it was my children i was happy again even though my wife was muchly grieved and mad that they had come back she scolded them telling them why had they slept so long in the forest and that we had thought they were not coming back.I slept more easily that night but it soon needed again my wife woke me up to tell me how to get rid of the children she said no we must take them deeper deeper then they had ever gone before in their lives.we did and left them there again 3 days passed still no sign of them coming back.when the end of the week had come there was another knock at the door an it was them my children they had come back and not only by themselves but with much much Money and other expensive jewels i was so happy that day not only did my children return but they came back with hope for our family ot live a good healthy happy life.

Monday, May 4, 2009


To Him Who Waits:This story To me was very impulsing it is very interesting to me in such a way i found it invigorating to keep reading more in the beginning yes it may seem boring.When in fact it is actually quiet good i liked this story in particular because it has a twist at the middle to the ending because it seems from the title of the story that by waiting the man will eventually get what he wants but when in fact the thing that he wants go away and he had a Chance to regain his lost "heirloom" but can no longer now because his friend has taken it away.

The Head Hunter:this story to me has a meaning and made me react to it with awe because what to me at the end what it is trying to say is true and holds meaning to what people expect to have at times when they cant have and when actually the best thing they can have is the lesser one.

The Caballeros Way:This story i liked to a certain extent because it wasn't at all boring and held something of interest that wont put people to sleep my guess is that if you would read it you would like it pretty good read i liked it at one points in the story it did amaze me and had me reacting like "what??" but still it is a very good read and ma hold something of meaning to you!! :)

Friday, May 1, 2009


There was a Tiger named Timothy.Not many knew him not many cared he was not the most popular among the beasts for he was only known to be a stalker for prey.At one point in time he was ill and had sent the message throughout the wild that he was dying.Many felt overwhelmed with joy other felt bad for he not only killed animals for food but also Enemies.So he asked as his last dying wish that if all could please give him the gift to have known that they cared for him by going to his in a nearby cave so many went to go See that beast and assure him that they cared.However when it came to be the last final animal to enter the den it did not dare to go.So the tiger coming out seeming more better then he was before said why don't you come to reassure a friend dear old Baboon the Baboon said i have seen many go in NONE come out so when they all decide to come from this feast i will go in...

Even the most cunning of plans can be recognized!