Monday, March 30, 2009

I woke up early in the morning same time .... same feeling.You see for an ol' rancher like me i knew that an early morning meant more time to farm and grow my crops well enough that they would be ready for springtime.Ranching took mind and perspiration you needed a good mind to know when to plant,when to harvest,and when to finally use them for food.Many of us farmers like to think we know much about crops when in fact we must learn through time that a good crop comes from weathered hands.
It was still pretty early in the day so after checking the barn to make sure nothing was stolen the night before i took our dog Sam outside for a walk.I noticed something on the way past the corn field that several of my corn stalks were trampled down by some sort of large footprints Hmph.. mustve been that damn hog always coming in to my fields eating up anything to his taste.I knew where that piggy was i just didn't have no right over him to slaughter the beast.i had gone up to the head of out town to talk with the officials about this matter they didn't pay no mind to it they said "if its not my property then keep my hands 0ff the thing".
My young ones called him Hogger because he never let any one take his food away from him.I remember one time by the creek i took my son fishing when he caught a glimpse of "Hogger" that foul beast he was taunting Jeremiah I knew it too for my son eventually tried to catch him.He said ill get him for ya pop don't
you worry ...I worried because if i couldn't gun down the sucker then how could my boy of 10 years catch em.i watched as my boy ran and ran after Hogger laughing as the pig was squealing and scurrying around the creek trying to lose my boy from pummeling him to the ground.
Now as i went back to where my corn stalks lay i started to pick up the waste and put them in the sack that i had with me.
Sam was there by my side a few feet away pawing at something beneath him I yelled to him stop it boy your going to mess up my field more then what has already been done to it.
He didn't listen he kept pawing and pawing at the dirt as if it was food i gave him a slap in his hind he whined now stop it boy i gone off and told you to stop.He whined again what boy I'm sorry now if i hurt you it wasn't something i meant to do you just got on my last strand of sanity.Now he continued to whine i looked at him what boy whats wrong i looked him in the eyes that's when i noticed the sparkle in his right eye it was gleaming bright.I looked closer then i noticed it was coming from the back of myself .i turned right quick and glanced at the .golden nugget sticking out from the dirt floor.
well ill be damned all this time he was trying to tell me he found the one thing this family needed money..I called to my wife to bring me the shovel.I started to dig Ooh boy what i found there made me real happy.A dozen nuggets of gold
with one big chunk of gold stuck to some dirt and gravel but i didn't mind i had enough money to now buy what i needed to farm well and have enough leftover
for any other things we may need for the house.
My family and i all decided to celebrate with a nice hearty meal We ate some sweet bread with some soup and chicken that was a day ill always remember for that day was when i finally learned even the most unexpected things come from those who love you like my dog Sam thanks bud.....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1)I get really mad and hate it when people talk about my father.
2)I hate heart break.
3)I get mad when people try forcing me to do something i dont want to do.
4)I get mad at myself when i have to do something i dont want to do.
5)I get mad when people act like they care when they dont.
6)I hate it when people act tough.
7)I hate it when people dont tell you something straight up.
8)I hate when people lie about something important.
9)I hate when people get jealous.
10)I hate people who focus on their looks to much.
11)I hate when i dont land a trick right in my skateboard.
12)I hate it when my mom makes fun of my looks.
13)I hate it when people dis my friends or me before we even say anything about them.
14)I hate it when i get blamed for something i didnt do.
15)I hate it getting yelled at by my father.
16)I hate waking up early.
17)I hate when almost everyone of my friends ask me for gum.
18)I hate when my friends say "loco" in weird voices constantly.
19)I hate when people are persistent to know something.
20)I hate when people steal something of yours.
21)I hate anything having to do with racism and discrimanation.
22)I get really ticked off when people do not even try to help the poor.
23)People who act as if there better then you are.
24)People who rub things in your face.
25)Sore losers.
26)I hate burnt food.
27)I get really ticked when people judge me.
28)I hate it when people say i cant accomplish something.
29)I get mad when i cant go to church on sundays
30)I hate it when people wake me up for something thats not important.
31)I hate traffic.
32)I hate it when cars just zoom by fast when kids are walking.
33)I hate it when i cant sleep at night.
34)I get mad at myself for dwelling on the past.
35)I hate i when i dont take chances.
36)I hate stepping in dog poo poo. :(
37)I hate when i dirty my clothes.
38)I hate when people act as if their angels.
39)I hate when people trick to much.
40)I get mad when i cant fix something.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friends deepest darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep.i met this kid in 2ND grade lets call him hector i knew him for awhile he was a strange kid he said he came from Cuba i said cool man where do you live maybe we can hang out sometime he said that good to hear problem we started talking playing almost everyday together we shared lots of things together toys,food,clothes.when he was sick i would go and see if he was ok if he needed anything and he said yeah a new body we laughed because he was trying to say he needed to get better he did it was nothing serious but we still took care of him as if he was dying we were together till the 6Th grade then i moved to the north side where Ive been living ever since.Before i had left though i had left with a sad heart for i was the one or rather i feel responsible for my friends jail sentence you see he killed his brother they thought it was his dad or maybe his other big brother something having to do with gangs and stuff like that i told the police when they questioned me that no he shot him on accident not purposely the police didn't care they said murder Is murder and there is no break for it you break the law you must do the time along with crime you committed don't ever think you ll get a break because the law does not bend for no one and will especially not tolerate they sent a detention center hes 16 now yeah he was 2 yrs older then me when we met remember he came Cuba there education is different there.I visited him a couple times hes not mad at me for what i did he said he understands why i did it we talk about what we use to do when we were together before they took him in he asks how I am doing I say fine better then you we laugh there eventually going to move him to a jail he has to spend 47 years there imagine that growing old in a place where you either fight or die trying to live through it all I feel bad and sad sometimes knowing hat he has to spend all that time in there without tasting the good life but he says its ok because he never really wanted to live after killing his brother he couldn't live with The fact that he had killed his only brother that he really connected to spent time with and had fun with every time he was with him he was the one brother that helped him through rough times now hes gone forever by my own hands he says i can not live with that no i cant it is just to painful for me...